Chapter 2 Penta kill
“Could you come to the hospital, Det. Littlebrontosaur, we are in trouble!” said by Dr. Saikin, Stegosaurs Saikin,” We have a body here! Help needed!”  
Det.Littlebrontosaur asked,” Do you have any information of the body, such as his name?”  
“He is my patient, Spinosaurus Argept” said by a physician, running back from the pharmacy. 
“The Barium Chloride is the cause of death,” said by Det.Littlebrontosaur,” as far as I concerned, the whole bottles of Barium Sulfate are switched into Barium Carbonate. Thus, I suggest stop the imagination of stomach immediately!”  
“How can you explain this? ”asked by Dr.Saikin ,”the charactersかん”  
“Is that Littlebrontosaur, we are quite bothered about the code too, the address is Morrison Av. No.11 202?” said by vir,” Could you come and help?” The Carnotosaurs, the second victim, is gashed by the knife which is in the house, as same as the first one, there are some lettersとッあ. The letters are in Japanese, seemed that the murderer is a from Japan.  
“Hm…I consider that it is not in such a case.”, said by Det.Littlebrontosaur,” The only reason is that to astray the bearing of investigation. Thus, perhaps what we should do is to …”  
“Are you finding this”, asked by Ax, Caderosur Ax,” we found a scorched body covered by magnesium, sorry, magnesium oxide powder.”  
“Where? Who?”, said by Det. Littlebrontosaur. Ax said, “In the dormancy of the firework factory, Light Broner, the skeleton shows it belongs to a Parasaurolophus, as we considered the name might be Kaven”  
“From the door board? Ok, that is fine.”, said by Det.Littlebrontosaur. “But…you listen to me! We found another body, might you have seen, both the bodies have letters, the letters I have sent you by the email.” 